ITS Daves

Ideas, Thoughts & Solutions

For twenty years now I have lacked a productive out let for the ideas (inventions, processes) Thoughts and solutions to some of the more serious issues facing the planet I have had, over this time!
Now with newly learned skills and advances in technologies I now have a way to express them to a greater audience. My greatest hope is for the viewer, to find it of interest and be educated and inspired to go on too share, and make use of them, and benefit from the experience. !

  • Self cycling motor  new great video

  • Plant growing platform with c-saw water tanks 
  • Civilian law administering idea
  • Plans for house construction 
  • Transport system (wind tunnel and electric )styled trams to suit heritage or modern
  • voting based on $10 note as an individual voting paper 
  • Light spectrum  communication possibilities.( language ,music ,counting )
  • Q togo /mono cycle with special seat
  • Human waste (toilet ) compressing the solids then burning in a pallett form after travelling through and being  dried in a prolonged journey 
  • A personal explanation of religious beliefs and there place in my future
  • Experimental balloon  with black painted solar heat pad
  • Quick anchor points made by a large crowbar gyrated round and either a wire wraped round a rock then packed in or concreted
  • Greater uses of flax as a matting or walls 
  • Why have street lighting ?
  • Drilling of large diameter and deep holes as a burial option (multipal erns ) USB and monitor as headstones.(ash holes )
  • Ell farms, with Ducks and other water fowl as a meat alternative .(Tied in with flax plantings) 
  • Addition of obstacles  too the playing field in sports events to break the predictability

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